Using processing improvement models to increase research productivity

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‘Lean process improvement systems’, originally developed by Toyota and mainly used for private sector business, has recently been adopted by healthcare researchers (Ohno, 1988; Daudelin et al., 2015; Caiado et al., 2020). Previous researchers have argued that Process improvement systems have a great potential within research. They argue, that there is a need for more efficient research procedures. Previous studies have shown that implementing process improvement systems on research processes has increased research productivity (Strasser & Cola, 2013; Øvretveit et al., 2011; Andrew & Micheal, 2003; Daudelin et al., 2015; Ohno, 1988; Lawal et al., 2013; Groves et al., 2013).

Based on the theoretical foundation of Toyota’s ‘Lean’, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, have created the Model of Improvement with the goal to create more efficiency, better methods, organization and treatment beneficial for patients. Recently it has been decided to test if The Model of Improvement can provide the premise to create a shared theoretical model among clinical researchers (Region Syddanmark, 2019; Brixen et al.; Anhøj, 2015; Hansen et al., 2017).

However, no or very little research has been done on applying improvement systems to research (Lawal et al., 2013). The question is: How can the potential success or failure of process improvement systems applied to research be measured and does it make sense to do so? This is the topic of our presentation. For our presentation, we will firstly outline the cornerstones and success criteria of the Model of improvement, then seek to identify relevant bibliometric measures and finally discuss strengths and weaknesses of such procedures. We will conclude that bibliometric measures can be used to partially assess the success/failure of process improvement systems applied on research, but that we strongly recommend, that such quantitative measurements are combined with qualitative assessments.

Andrew, K. A., & Micheal, A. R. (2003). Research ethics and law of healthcare system quality improvement: The conflict of cost containment and quality. Critical Care Medicine, 31(3), 143-152.
Anhøj, J. (2015). Fra kontrol til forbedring: Evidensbaseret kvalitets udvikling af klinisk praksis. In Kompendium i kvalitetsudvikling - rammer og redskaber (1st ed., pp. 11-21): Munksgaard.
Brixen, K., Kyvik, K., Dall, M., Nürnberg, H., Holmskov, U., Dieperink, K., Worsøe, M., Frederiksen, H., Ellingsen, T., Christian, G., Kristensen, H. K., Thomassen, M., Thiele, M., Borregaard, B., von Huth, L., & Omar, M. Sammen skaber vi fremtidens patientbehandling - Forskningsstrategi for OUH og Klinisk Intitut, Syddansk Universitet. Retrieved from
Caiado, R. G. G., Carocha, D. M., Goulart, A. K., & Tortorella, G. L. (2020). Critical success factors-based taxonomy for Lean Public Management: a systematic review. Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção, 30. doi:10.1590/0103-6513.20200030
Daudelin, D. H., Selker, H. P., & Leslie, L. K. (2015). Applying Process Improvement Methods to Clinical and Translational Research: Conceptual Framework and Case Examples. Clin Transl Sci., 8(6), 779-786. doi:10.1111/cts.12326
Groves, P. S., Speroff, T., Miles, P. V., Splaine, M. E., Dougherty, D., & Mittman, B. S. (2013). Discussion on advancing the methods for quality improvement research. Paper presented at the Implementation Science.
Hansen, R. L., Jensen, K. H., & Andersen, L. H. (2017, Marts). Tema - Den Syddanske Forbedringsmodel - Bedre sygehuse. Kredsløbet.
Lawal, A. K., Rotter, T., Kinsman, L., Sari, N., Harrison, L., Jeffery, C., Kutz, M., Khan, M. F., & Flynn, R. (2013). Lean management in health care: definition, concepts, methodology and effects reported (systematic review protocol). Systematic reviews, 3(103). doi:10.1186/2046-4053-3-103
Ohno, T. (1988). Toyota production system: beyond large-scale production: Productivity Pres.
Region Syddanmark. (2019). Strategi for sundhedsforskning - Kliniknær forskning til gavn for patienten. Retrieved from
Strasser, J. E., & Cola, P. A. R., D. (2013). Evaluating Various Areas of Process Improvement in an Effort to Improve Clinical Research: Discussions from the 2012 Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA) Clinical Research Management Workshop. Clin Trans Sci, 6(4), 317-320. doi:10.1111/cts.12051
Øvretveit, J., Leviton, L., & Parry, G. (2011). Increasing the generalisability of improvement research with an improvement replication programme. BMJ Qual Sal, 20(Suppl 1), i87-i97. doi:10.1136/bmjqs.2010.046342

Bidragets oversatte titelUsing processing improvement models to increase research productivity
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 2021
BegivenhedNordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy 2021 - Campusvej 55, Odense, Danmark
Varighed: 3. nov. 20215. nov. 2021


KonferenceNordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy 2021
LokationCampusvej 55


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