Theoretical and Experimental Study of Plasmonic Polymer Solar Cells

Mina Mirsafaei, Jost Adam, Morten Madsen

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterForskning


The organic bulk hetero-junction solar cell has remarkable advantages such as low cost, mechanical flexibility and simple process techniques.
Recently, low-band gap photoactive materials have obtained a significant attention due to their potential to absorb a wider range of the solar spectrum
to attain higher power conversion efficiencies. Many low-band gap photoactive materials, however, still show a relatively low external quantum efficiency of less than 60% [1]. One possible approach to improve the device performance is to increase the light absorption in the active layer. This may, amongst other approaches, be achieved by using nano- or micro-structures that trap light at specific wavelengths [2], or by using the localized surface plasmon resonance effect of metal nanoparticles in the devices. In this work, we theoretically studied planar polymer solar cell based on finite-difference time-domain approach. Also, we have optimized reference polymer solar cells with PTB7:PC70BM as active layer, using two different electron transport layers. The aim is to integrate Gold nanoparticles in the reference devices, and support the integration theoretically.
Publikationsdato18. sep. 2015
StatusUdgivet - 18. sep. 2015
Begivenhed7th School on Organic Electronics: Summer School on Organic Electronics From Semiconductor to Biomolecular Interfaces - Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Como, Italien
Varighed: 14. sep. 201518. sep. 2015


Andet7th School on Organic Electronics
LokationLake Como School of Advanced Studies

Bibliografisk note

[1] S.-W. Baek, G. Park, J. Noh, C. Cho, C.-H. Lee, M.-K. Seo, et al., "Au@Ag Core–Shell Nanocubes for Efficient Plasmonic Light Scattering Effect in Low Band gap Organic Solar Cells," ACS Nano,
vol. 8, pp. 3302-3312, 2014/04/22 2014.
[2] R. M. d. O. Hansen, Y. Liu, M. Madsen, and H.-G. Rubahn, "Flexible organic solar cells including efficiency enhancing grating structures," Nanotechnology, vol. 24, p. 145301, 2013.


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