The European Social Model under Pressure: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Klaus Armingeon

Romana Careja (Redaktør), Patrick Emmenegger (Redaktør), Nathalie Gieger (Redaktør)

Publikation: Bog/rapportAntologiForskningpeer review


The European Social Model is at a crossroad. Although from the 1990s onwards, the threat of an imminent crisis shaped much of the rhetoric surrounding the future of the welfare state, disagreement within the academic community remains. What is however increasingly clear is that with the global financial crisis and the Euro crisis that followed it, the challenges the European Social Model faces have become more acute and demand action. This volume launches a multifaceted inquiry into these challenges. Each contribution, written by renowned scholars in their fields, represents an in-depth exploration of issues that cut to the core of current political, economic and social processes. They are an invitation to the seasoned scholars as well as to the beginning students of social sciences, public administration or journalism to engage with, by now, a large body of scholarship, to accompany the authors in their endeavours to seek an explanation to burning questions and start their own inquiries.
Antal sider633
ISBN (Trykt)978-3-658-27042-1
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-3-658-27043-8
StatusUdgivet - 2020


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  • The European Social Model under Pressure: Introduction

    Careja, R., Emmenegger, P. & Gieger, N., 2020, The European Social Model under Pressure: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Klaus Armingeon. Careja, R., Emmenegger, P. & Gieger, N. (red.). Springer, s. 1-11

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