The chiral transition in two-flavor QCD

M. D'Elia, A. Di Giacomo, Claudio Pica

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QCD with N_f=2 is a specially interesting system to investigate the chiral transition. The order of the transition has still not been established. We report the results of an in-depth numerical investigation performed with staggered fermions on lattices with L_t=4 and L_s=12,16,20,24,32 and quark masses am_q ranging from 0.01335 to 0.307036. Using finite-size techniques we compare the scaling behavior of a number of thermodynamical susceptibilities with the expectations of O(4) and O(2) universality classes. Clear disagreement is observed. Indications of a first order transition are found.
TidsskriftPoS LAT
StatusUdgivet - 3. okt. 2005
Udgivet eksterntJa


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