The Border Multiple: The Practicing of Borders between Public Policy and Everyday Life in a Re-scaling Europe

Dorte Jagetic Andersen (Redaktør), Martin Klatt (Redaktør), Marie Sandberg (Redaktør)

    Publikation: Bog/rapportAntologiForskningpeer review


    Addressing and conceptualizing the changing character of borders in contemporary Europe, this book examines developments occuring in the light of European integration processes and an on-going tightening of Europe's external borders. Moreover, the book suggests new ways of investigating the nature of European borders by looking at border practices in the light of the mobility turn, and thus as dynamic, multiple, diverse and best expressed in everyday experiences of people living at and with borders, rather than focusing on static territorial divisions between states and regions at geopolitical level. It provides scholars and researchers as well as policymakers with new empirical and theoretical evidence on the de- and re-bordering processes going on in diverse border regions in Europe, both within and outside of the EU.
    Antal sider262
    ISBN (Trykt)978-1-4094-3708-6
    StatusUdgivet - sep. 2012
    NavnBorder Region Series


    • grænser
    • borders
    • Border regions
    • EU
    • Europe
