SU(3) sextet model with Wilson fermions

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    We present our final results for the SU(3) sextet model with the non-improved Wilson fermion discretization. We find evidence for several phases of the lattice model, including a bulk phase with broken chiral symmetry. We study the transition between the bulk and weak coupling phase which corresponds to a significant change in the qualitative behavior of spectral and scale setting observables. In particular the t0 and w0 observables seem to diverge in the chiral limit in the weak coupling phase. We then focus on the study of spectral observables in the chiral limit in the weak coupling phase at infinite volume. We consider the masses and decay constants for the pseudoscalar and vector mesons, the mass of the axial vector meson and the spin-1/2 baryon as a function of the quark mass, while controlling finite volume effects. We then test our data against both the IR conformal and the chirally broken hypotheses. Preprint: CP3-Origins-2017-49 DNRF90

    TidsskriftEPJ Web of Conferences
    Antal sider8
    StatusUdgivet - 26. mar. 2018
    Begivenhed35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Lattice 2017 - Granada, Spanien
    Varighed: 18. jun. 201724. jun. 2017


    Konference35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Lattice 2017
    SponsorConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient�ficas, et al., Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB), Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Granada, University of Valencia


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