Small States and Armed Drones

Publikation: Bog/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


Discussions about the United States, China, and Russia dominate the ‘drone debate’, yet small states—including Niger, Djibouti, Burkina Faso, and the Seychelles, to name but a few— are also an active part of the 'drone game'. Some are looking to acquire their own drones, whilst others are taking advantage of the rise in remote warfare to host secret drone bases for Great Powers. It is these small state drone bases that are the focus of this report. What are the risks for small states? What are the opportunities? It is these questions, alongside the broader considerations for Great Powers, that are discussed within this paper.
ForlagUniversity of Iceland
Antal sider10
Rekvirerende organisationNATO Peace and Security Programme
StatusUdgivet - 26. jun. 2018
BegivenhedSmall States and the New Security Environment - Nordic House, Reykjavik, Island
Varighed: 26. jun. 201826. jun. 2018


WorkshopSmall States and the New Security Environment
LokationNordic House


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