SFL i dialog med andre paradigmer i organisationskommunikation

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    This article discusses the use of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in an educational context, i.e. a degree programme in organisational communication at university level. The author advocates for bringing SFL into dialogue with other paradigms in this context and presents a new multi-perspective approach to discourse analysis: Situational Dialectical Discourse Analysis (SDD). SDD combines insights from different theoretical and methodological approaches, including analytical tools from SFL as well as other paradigms such as dialectical
    linguistics, narrative theory, rhetoric, pragmatics, and various sociological theories. The potential of SDD is shown by reference to five analyses of different contemporary examples from Danish organisational contexts.
    TidsskriftRASK – International journal of language and communication
    Sider (fra-til)131-149
    StatusUdgivet - 29. jun. 2022
