Restricting carbohydrate during recovery from prolonged exercise does not effect intramuscular triglyceride resynthesis

Bidragets oversatte titel: Ingen effekt af kulhydratrestriktion på resyntesen af intramuskulære triglycerider efter langvarigt arbejde

Emily Jevons, Kasper Degn Gejl, Lars Grøndahl Hvid, Ulrik Frandsen, Kurt Jensen, Kent Sahlin, Juiette Strauss, Niels Ørtenblad, Sam Shepherd

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review


INTRODUCTION: Intramuscular triglycerides are an important substrate during prolonged moderate-intensity exercise, and therefore post-exercise IMTG resynthesis is an important part of recovery. Nutritional guidelines advise the consumption of carbohydrate following prolonged exercise in order to support glycogen resynthesis, but a high CHO diet impairs IMTG resynthesis. More recent evidence suggests that actually restricting CHO in the post-exercise period may maximise the adaptive response to exercise, but how this strategy effects post-exercise IMTG resynthesis has not been investigated. To address this, this study aimed to examine IMTG resynthesis when acutely restricting CHO in the post-exercise period following prolonged exercise. METHODS: 14 male elite triathletes <27 ± 1y, 66.5 ± 1.3> were recruited as part of a previous study . Muscle samples were collected pre, post, 4h post and 24h post 4h of glycogen depleting cycling exercise. In the 4h period immediately following exercise 7 participants consumed a high CHO diet while the other 7 consumed only water. For the remaining recovery period <20h> all participants received the same CHO-enriched diet. Muscle samples were analysed using confocal immunofluorescence microscopy to determine muscle fibre type and subcellular-specific IMTG content and LD morphology. RESULTS: Exercise reduced IMTG content by 53% in type I muscle fibres , and specifically in the central region of the fibre , which was driven by a 47% decrease in LD number . In recovery, IMTG content in type I fibres increased from post-exercise to 24h post in the water condition only . Specifically, IMTG content increased in the central region , with a trend for increases in LD number from post to post 24hr <58%, P=0.084>. However, no significant differences in IMTG content were observed between groups by 24h post . CONCLUSION: IMTG utilisation during exercise was evident in the central region of type I fibres only, and a corresponding increase in IMTG content was only apparent in the water condition. Although IMTG resynthesis was significantly greater when restricting CHO immediately post-exercise, IMTG content was similar between groups at 24h post-exercise. Together, these results suggest that IMTG resynthesis following prolonged exercise is unaffected when acutely restricting CHO in the post-exercise period. Future studies will investigate the role of lipid droplet proteins in mediating this response.
Bidragets oversatte titelIngen effekt af kulhydratrestriktion på resyntesen af intramuskulære triglycerider efter langvarigt arbejde
Publikationsdato4. jul. 2018
StatusUdgivet - 4. jul. 2018
Begivenhed23rd international Congress of the European College of Sports Science: Sport Science at the Cutting Edge - University College Dublin & Ulster University, Dublin, Irland
Varighed: 4. jul. 20187. jul. 2018


Konference23rd international Congress of the European College of Sports Science
LokationUniversity College Dublin & Ulster University
