Recurrence after surgery due to cervical cancer - An evaluation of the follow-up program

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterFormidling


During the last 20 years the follow-up program after surgical treatment for cervical cancer has remained unchanged. Surprisingly, little is communicated in relation to the follow-up program even though it has a huge impact on the life of the women and their relatives for five years.
The focus for this study is to evaluate the follow-up program in fulfilling the purpose for early diagnosis of recurrence while reminding and concerning women, who we consider healthy after surgery, 10 times during five years.
Already politicians are focusing on the subject due to the socioeconomic consequences, but there is a need for a foundation prior to an adjustment of the follow-up program.
Design: retrospective study of a cohort of women attending follow-up program after surgery due to cervical cancer.
Material: From the patient register at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Aarhus University Hospital we identified 567 patients from 1996 to 2011 matching the diagnosis cervical cancer combined with a surgical procedure.
From the Danish Pathology Data Bank the following information is collected:
- Stage of disease
- Histology
- Surgical procedure
- Number of follow-up visit
- Results of cytology test after surgery
- Date for the last visit without sign of recurrence and/or dead
- Date for diagnosis of recurrence and/or death
For patients experiencing recurrence and/or death information retrieval from patient files will outline:
- If diagnosis of the recurrence is established at a planned visit or by referral due to symptoms
- Cause of death if necessary
The purpose is to evaluate the follow-up program from 1996 to 2011.
Stata 12 will be used to statistical analysis of data. Non-parametrical test will be used.
We expect to find a disagreement in the purpose of early detection of recurrence by attending the follow-up program and in the results of the follow-up program and the cytology test. The exploration in how and when the diagnosis of recurrence is made will contribute with new knowledge. We suspect our research to demonstrate recurrence between the planned visits diagnosed due to early referral caused by symptoms. Furthermore we suspect to find that the planned visit makes patients ignore symptoms and delay the time for the diagnosis of recurrence. This would indeed confirm the need for changes in the follow-up program for the benefit of the patients. The study is on going and the results will be presented at the congress.
Publikationsdato3. nov. 2013
StatusUdgivet - 3. nov. 2013
BegivenhedEurogin - Monte Carlo, Monaco
Varighed: 4. okt. 20076. okt. 2007


ByMonte Carlo


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