Provoking encounters with, and through social psychology

    Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceedingKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    In informal learning contexts embodied social experiences have long been seen as
    valuable for enlivening learners’ interest and engagement with abstract topics. However much of this excellent work is installed in museums which can make it less accessible to the desired wider audiences for both geographic and financial reasons.
    Furthermore, compared to the natural sciences, understanding how to foster public
    engagement with social science topics is much less developed. This project proposes
    to address this challenge by designing, installing, and evaluating interventions in public spaces that provide embodied experiences aiming to bring social psychology topics to life. Feedback is particularly sought in relation to evaluating and analysing the
    possible learning experiences of those that interact with or witness the installations.
    TitelBook of abstracts SIG 10, 21 & 25 Conference 2022 : Dialogue, diversity and interdisciplinarity in the field of learning and instruction
    RedaktørerJelena Radišić, Aleksandar Bauca, Smiljana Jošić, Valérie Tartas, Jasmiina Leskinen, Gudrun Ziegler, Sikunder Ali, Becky Bergman, Nina Bonderup Dohn, Giuseppe Ritella , Alexandra Nordström
    ForlagUniversity of Belgrade
    ISBN (Trykt)978-86-6427-234-6
    StatusUdgivet - 2022
    BegivenhedEARLI SIG 10 & SIG 21 & SIG 25: DIALOGUE, DIVERSITY AND INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN THE FIELD OF LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION - The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbien
    Varighed: 6. sep. 2022 → …,21&25_Conference2022


    KonferenceEARLI SIG 10 & SIG 21 & SIG 25
    LokationThe Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
    Periode06/09/2022 → …


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