Prognostic factors to predict postoperative survival in patients with recurrent glioblastoma

Stella TE Hansen*, Kasper S. Jacobsen, Mikkel S. Kofoed, Jeanette K. Petersen, Henning B. Boldt, Rikke H. Dahlrot, Mette K. Schulz, Frantz R. Poulsen


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Background: There are no generally accepted criteria for selecting patients with recurrent glioblastoma for surgery. This retrospective study in a Danish population-based cohort aimed to identify prognostic factors affecting postoperative survival after repeated surgery for recurrent glioblastoma and to test if the preoperative New Scale for Recurrent Glioblastoma Surgery (NSGS) developed by Park CK et al could assist in the selection of patients for repeat glioblastoma surgery. Methods: Clinical data from 66 patients with recurrent glioblastoma and repeated surgery were analyzed. Kaplan–Meier plots were produced to illustrate survival in each of the three NSGS prognostic groups, and Cox proportional hazard regression was used to identify prognostic variables. Multivariable analysis was used to identify differences in survival in the three prognostic groups. Results: Six variables significantly affected postoperative survival: preoperative Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) < 70 (p = 0.002), decreased KPS after second surgery (p = 0.012), ependymal involvement (p = 0.002), tumor volume ≧ 50 cm3 (p = 0.021), age (p = 0.033) and Ki-67 (p = 0.005). Retrospective application of the criteria previously published by Park CK et al showed that median postoperative survival for the three prognostic groups was 390 days (0 points), 279 days (1 point), and 80 days (2 points), respectively. Conclusion: Several prognostic variables to predict postoperative survival in patients with recurrent glioblastoma were identified and should be considered when selecting patient for repeat surgery. The NSGS scoring system was useful as there were significant differences in postoperative survival between its three prognostic groups.

TidsskriftWorld Neurosurgery: X
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2024


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