Patients’ perspectives on point-of-care diagnostics and treatment by emergency medical technicians in acute COPD exacerbations - a Qualitative study

Helle Marie Christensen, Christian B Laursen, Daniel Wittrock, Giti Nadim, Gitte Jørgensen, Lars B Nielsen, Michael K Sørensen, Caroline Heerema, Ingrid L Titlestad, Annmarie T Lassen, Søren Mikkelsen

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Background: In Denmark emergency medical technicians (EMTs) transport patients with acute COPD exacerbations to the emergency department (ED). From a clinical and economic perspective, this transport and assessment at the hospital may be inconvenient if the patient is immediately discharged from the ED. We established an EMT point-of-care diagnostics program of patients with COPD with use of ultrasound and blood analysis. Patients’ perspectives on treatment at home and sense of security are important in order to qualify clinical practice.Aim and Objectives: To explore patient’s and relatives’ experience of treatment at home during emergency calls due to COPD in exacerbation and to investigate their attitude towards avoiding hospitalization as well as experience of stress during point-of-care diagnostics in their own home.Method: A qualitative study comprising semi-structured interviews with 19 patients was conducted. Data was analysed inspired by Kvale et al. focusing on the patient’s views on point-of-care diagnostics and treatment of their COPD in acute exacerbation.Results: The interviews revealed that in order to ensure an experience of quality in the assessment and treatment of patients in their own homes, it was important that the ambulance staff showed great safety and experience in the use of the technical equipment and treatment of dyspnea. It was also of importance that the patients felt confident that their general practitioner followed up on the home treatment initiated.Conclusion: Point-of-care diagnostics and treatment of acute COPD exacerbations was considered a qualitative service by the patients and their relatives.FootnotesCite this article as: European Respiratory Journal 2020; 56: Suppl. 64, 5171.This abstract was presented at the 2020 ERS International Congress, in session textquotedblleftRespiratory viruses in the "pre COVID-19" eratextquotedblright.This is an ERS International Congress abstract. No full-text version is available. Further material to accompany this abstract may be available at (ERS member access only).
TidsskriftEuropean Respiratory Journal
Udgave nummerSuppl. 64
StatusUdgivet - 7. sep. 2020
BegivenhedERS International Congress 2020 - Virtuel
Varighed: 6. sep. 20209. sep. 2020


KonferenceERS International Congress 2020


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