Parents’ perspectives on the role of kin in child rearing: a qualitative study on Greenland’s universal parenting program MANU 0-1 year

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceFormidling


In Greenland most recent studies describe the importance of kinship and family, but there is a knowledge gap on how new parents position their child and themselves in relation to extended family in modern Greenland. Parents’ experience an ambivalence with reforming their identity to become parents and finding their position in the community, which can lead to closer or more distant relationship. This ambivalence is also a topic addressed in MANU. Therefore, this study investigates how parents’ build their supporting network when creating a new family and how this is reflected in MANU material. The study’s research questions are: (i) What meaningful relations do parents see in their child’s upbringing and how are these relationships shaped? (ii) How do these perspectives compare with MANU’s material and content? Data was collected in three of Greenland’s five municipalities. Qualitative interviews were held with 38 mothers and 12 fathers either individually or as a couple: a total of 40 interviews. Additionally, a Sharing Circle with three fathers was held. Interviews were in Greenlandic or Danish. A thematic, inductive analysis was applied. Results are underway and will be presented at NUNAMED.
StatusUdgivet - 2022
Begivenhed11. NUNAMED - en grønlandskmedicinsk konference 2022: Kultur, sundhed & et godt liv - Nuuk, Grønland
Varighed: 30. sep. 20222. okt. 2022


Konference11. NUNAMED - en grønlandskmedicinsk konference 2022


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