Oral polio vaccine campaigns may reduce the risk of death from respiratory infections

Sebastian Nielsen*, Hasan Mahmud Sujan, Christine Stabell Benn, Peter Aaby, Syed Manzoor Ahmed Hanifi


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Oral polio vaccine (OPV) campaigns, but not other campaigns, have been associated with major reductions in child mortality. Studies have shown that OPV reduces the risk of respiratory infections. We analysed the causes of death at 0–2 years of age in Chakaria, a health and demographic surveillance Systems in Bangladesh, in the period 2012–2019 where 13 national campaigns with combinations of OPV (n = 4), vitamin A supplementation (n = 9), measles vaccine (MV) (n = 2), and albendazole (n = 2) were implemented. OPV-only campaigns reduced overall mortality by 30% (95% confidence interval: −10–56%). Deaths from respiratory infections were reduced by 62% (20– 82%, p = 0.01) in the post-neonatal period (1–35 months), whereas there was as slight increase of 19% (−37–127%, p = 0.54) for deaths from other causes. There was no benefit of other types of cam-paigns. Hence, the hypothesis that OPV may have beneficial non-specific effects, protecting partic-ularly against respiratory infections, was confirmed.

Udgave nummer10
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This research study is funded by core donors who provide unrestricted support to icddr,b for its operations and research. icddr,b is grateful to the Government of Bangladesh, Canada, Swe-den and the UK for providing core/unrestricted support. The authors are grateful to the villages for their cooperation in providing invaluable information. The untiring efforts of the team members of the Chakaria HDSS in maintaining the surveillance system are gratefully acknowledged. The work on non-specific effects of vaccines has been supported by the Danish Council for Development Re-search, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark (grant number 104.Dan.8.f.), Novo Nordisk Foundation and European Union FP7 support for OPTIMUNISE (grant: Health-F3-2011-261375).

Funding Information:
Funding: This research study is funded by core donors who provide unrestricted support to icddr,b for its operations and research. icddr,b is grateful to the Government of Bangladesh, Canada, Swe‐ den and the UK for providing core/unrestricted support. The authors are grateful to the villages for their cooperation in providing invaluable information. The untiring efforts of the team members of the Chakaria HDSS in maintaining the surveillance system are gratefully acknowledged. The work on non‐specific effects of vaccines has been supported by the Danish Council for Development Re‐ search, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark (grant number 104.Dan.8.f.), Novo Nordisk Founda‐ tion and European Union FP7 support for OPTIMUNISE (grant: Health‐F3‐2011‐261375).


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