On-chip plasmonic cavity-enhanced spontaneous emission rate at the zero-phonon line

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Highly confined surface plasmon polariton (SPP) modes can be utilized to enhance light-matter interaction at the single emitter level of quantum optical systems [1-4]. Dielectric-loaded SPP waveguides (DLSPPWs) confine SPPs laterally with relatively low propagation loss, enabling to benefit both from a large Purcell factor and from a large radiative efficiency (low quenching rates) [1, 2]. In this work, we present a DLSPPW-based Bragg cavity resonator to direct emission from a single diamond nitrogen vacancy (NV) center into the zero-phonon line (Fig. 1). A quality factor of ∼70 for the cavity and an up to 42-fold spontaneous emission rate enhancement at the zero-phonon line (a ∼7-fold resonance enhancement in addition to a ∼6-fold broadband enhancement) is achieved, revealing the potential of our approach for on-chip realization of quantum-optical networks.
Publikationsdato5. feb. 2018
StatusUdgivet - 5. feb. 2018
Begivenhed662. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Quantum Networks - from building blocks to application - Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Tyskland
Varighed: 5. feb. 20187. feb. 2018


Seminar662. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Quantum Networks - from building blocks to application
ByBad Honnef


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