Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Decentralized Electric Vehicle Charging Strategies and their Impacts

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The growing shift towards a Smart Grid involves integrating numerous new digital energy solutions into the energy ecosystems to address problems arising from the transition to carbon neutrality, particularly in linking the electricity and transportation sectors. Yet, this shift brings challenges due to mass electric vehicle adoption and the lack of methods to adequately assess various EV charging algorithms and their ecosystem impacts. This paper introduces a multi-agent based simulation model, validated through a case study of a Danish radial distribution network serving 126 households. The study reveals that traditional charging leads to grid overload by 2031 at 67% EV penetration, while decentralized strategies like Real-Time Pricing could cause overloads as early as 2028. The developed multi-agent based simulation demonstrates its ability to offer detailed, hourly analysis of future load profiles in distribution grids, and therefore, can be applied to other prospective scenarios in similar energy systems.
Titel23th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
StatusAccepteret/In press - 2024
BegivenhedThe EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2024 - Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Varighed: 3. sep. 20246. sep. 2024


KonferenceThe EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2024
ByViana do Castelo


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