Hugo Mulder (Producent), Sarah Stevens (Medvirkende)

Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstformDesignForskning


Our proposal MIST is a garden of futuring. Where architectural space is often characterised by inertia and resistance to change, we imagine an environment in flux that is open and relational. MIST builds on the English pictureque garden traditions of designing for movement, and exists in the interactions between visitors, activators, and environment. Operating through and with time, MIST is a microclimate, evolving a design which is in a constant state of becoming, activating the space by offering opportunities for it to design itself. The garden is not merely a metaphor for architecture. It is a prototype that scaffolds thought to think the otherwise unthinkable. In the heat of the sun gentle mists build into clouds, where native grasses and wild flowers flourish. The hissing noise of nozzles blends with children playing—channeling water, and unbeknownst to them, shaping plumes of fog. As the wind stretches and thins the fog, it reveals cables connecting
treetops and flags reaching for light. The rising strength of the sunlight triggers a tipping point, intensifying the cooling cloud as it falls around you.
StatusUdgivet - 2024


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