Local field enhanced second-harmonic response of organic nanofibers

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskning


Organic CNHP4 nanofibers showing a strong second-harmonic (SH) response have been successfully implemented as active components in a metal-organic hybrid system. Using nondestructive roll-on transfer technique nanofibers were transferred from the growing mica substrates onto electron-beam lithography-defined regular arrays of gold, titanium and silicon oxide. As shown in a femtosecond laser scanning microscopy study the fiber-substrate interplay leads (only) on gold to a significantly enhanced SH signal. We suggest that this effect is driven by the local field enhancement i.e. the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) and lightning rod effects, since in case of Ti and SiO2 no SPPs are excited at a laser wavelength of 790 nm and the used array dimensions. Furthermore, we observe a considerably reduced fluorescence lifetime for the fibers deposited on gold arrays supporting the assumption of strong interaction between gold substrate and fibers. In summary we show that by adjusting substrate and fiber properties the SH response can be locally controlled.
Publikationsdato22. jan. 2015
StatusUdgivet - 22. jan. 2015
BegivenhedÅbningsmøde for Lysets Internationale år (IYL) - DTU Fotonik, Lyngby, Danmark
Varighed: 22. jan. 201523. jan. 2015


KonferenceÅbningsmøde for Lysets Internationale år (IYL)
LokationDTU Fotonik


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