Knowledge Transfer in International Manufacturing Networks: - An Empirical Study of European, Mexican and Chinese Sites

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This paper is built around eight longitudinal case studies of knowledge transfer in manufacturing relocation. The paper introduces a model designed to identify knowledge in relation to four task situations on the shop floor in a manufacturing environment. Explicit and tacit knowledge are introduced and the paper suggests how the transfer of tacit knowledge, in particular, can be improved. The paper discusses two dramatic shifts in organizational settings, i.e. from operations management to project management in the sending unit before a transfer and the reverse in the receiving unit after relocation. Finally, the paper discusses how “dispatching capacity” and “absorptive capacity” can improve the process.
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2013
BegivenhedThe Ninth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China: High Performance Manufacturing:Global Perspective - School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Kina
Varighed: 7. sep. 20138. sep. 2013
Konferencens nummer: 9


KonferenceThe Ninth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China
LokationSchool of Management, Zhejiang University

Bibliografisk note

Received "Best Paper Award" for the paper of "Knowledge Transfer in Internationanl Manufacturing Networks - An Empirical Study of European, Mexican and Chinese Sites" at the Ninth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China GMC`13, Hangzhou, China.


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