Joint reflection in Responsible Conduct of Research courses for research leaders

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Research leaders are authorities in shaping sound research cultures and in ensuring that responsible conduct is instrumentally supported at institutional level, by available research infrastructure and policies. As well, research leaders take charge of future generations of researchers in their role as supervisors and mentors.

To qualify staff in these roles, University of Southern Denmark has introduced a mandatory onsite course in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for all research leaders at Department of Clinical Research and Department of Regional Health Research. The course is delivered by the University Library.

Experience from the first three years of offering the course shows participants to be generally reluctant in participating actively in class and to, by default, exhibit passive modes of learning, mirroring expectations of ‘being informed’. This mode of learning is generally superficial and inhibits higher order and lasting learning outcomes.

The contribution will present how we have succeeded in transforming the learning modus from passive to active learning, by establishing a dialogic learning environment, by relatively simple didactic efforts. The poster will show how a ‘flipped learning’ environment was set up and will display examples of didactic tools that are successfully applied to facilitate active participation and joint reflection, both in the individual preparation ahead of class (online) and during class (f2f).

Posteren har tidligere været præsenteret på World Congress on Research Integrity i Cape Town.
Publikationsdato29. feb. 2024
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 29. feb. 2024
BegivenhedDFFU Vinterinternat 2024: Forskerlivet: krav, udfordringer og dilemmaer og hvordan FFU-bibliotekerne kan hjælpe - Klarskovgaard, Korsør, Danmark
Varighed: 29. feb. 20241. mar. 2024


KonferenceDFFU Vinterinternat 2024
