Improving Resilience and Sustainability: A Review of Ad-Hoc Microgrids’ Operations’ Strategies and Methods

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Ad-hoc microgrids are portable energy systems deployed in transportation to provide emergency electricity in areas affected by extreme events or attacks, thereby improving power supply flexibility and resilience. Despite their potential advantages, there is limited research available on ad-hoc microgrids, resulting in gaps in our understanding of their types and functions. This study conducts a review of subcategories, components, operational methodologies, and emerging patterns within ad-hoc microgrids, drawing from the scientific literature. Ad-hoc microgrids, though less extensively studied, exhibit adaptability, diversity, and operational efficacy across various conditions. Ad-hoc microgrids extend beyond load restoration, encompassing aims such as decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy access, and bolstering reliability, resilience, security, efficiency, and economic efficiency across various settings, including urban transportation networks. Finally, these insights deepen understanding of ad-hoc microgrid dynamics, offering support for future research endeavors, and facilitating practical implementations aimed at fostering more resilient and sustainable microgrid networks.
TitelThe 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies and Smart Technologies (REST 2024)
StatusAccepteret/In press - 2024
BegivenhedThe 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies and Smart Technologies - University of Prishtina, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prishtina, Kosovo
Varighed: 27. jun. 202428. jun. 2024


KonferenceThe 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies and Smart Technologies
LokationUniversity of Prishtina, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering


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