How Design-based Research, Action Research and Interaction Design Contributes to the Development of Designs for Learning

Gunver Majgaard, Morten Misfeldt, Jacob Nielsen

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This article explores how action research, design based research and interaction design can be combined and used in the development of educational robotic tools. Our case study is the development of Number Blocks and it combines physical interaction, learning, and immediate feedback. Number Blocks supports the children's understanding of place value in the sense that it allows them to experiment with creating large numbers. The development was done in collaboration with a class of 7-8 year old children and their mathematics teacher. The article argues that elements from different research methods allowed a structured approach to projects that combines educational research and innovation of new learning technologies. Key elements of this approach is acknowledging the users input, developing a theoretical pre-analysis and using an iterative approach.
TidsskriftDesigns for Learning
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)8-21
StatusUdgivet - 2011
