Hackathon as a method for competence development for lecturers

Cita Nørgaard, Martin Senderovitz, Kari Kleine, Fei Yu, Lone F. Toftild, Steffen Kjær Johansen, Suna Løwe Nielsen, Thomas Bernhard Kjærgaard

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceFormidling


Abstract title: Hackathon as a method for competence development for lecturers The “students” in this context was university lecturers with special interest in I&E teaching (“participants”). Outcome for participants: - Insight in I&E Teaching - Hands on experiences with a selection of (teaching relevant) innovation methods - Innovation of existing I&E courses Furthermore, we would expect to see the format, parts of the format or derivations of the format used by participating colleagues in their own contexts. We will discuss our version of a “hackathon” for a two days teaching sprint and the values it creates for the participants and the case owners. The format offers challenges and advantages and the transformation into an online environment adds an extra layer of challenges. The learnings we reached during development and conducting the hackathon will be presented together with the participants’ evaluation. We hope to be able to present in which way the lecturers have implemented the solutions or used the solutions for inspiration for adjustments in the courses. We experienced challenges recruiting lecturers for the hackathon and participants in this TAL-session will be invited to discuss criteria that would promote recruitment of lecturers in future arrangements like this. The participants evaluated the online hackathon very positive experience. It resulted in high engagement and energy in the group work. The learning was estimated to be very good in the final evaluations. Also, the participants rate that they have achieved a new network as well as knowledge that will affect their future teaching and insight in possibilities for support to I&E teaching at SDU (RIO, SDUUP, SDU-Library). The overall impression is that participants would prefer physical presence the next time they participate in arrangements like this. The format of a hackathon can be inspirational in many contexts. Even though hackathons originate from technological innovation and design contexts it’s nowadays used for any themes that needs to undergo innovation. Therefore, the method(-complex) is not specific for a certain faculty. It is generic for innovation processes and can be applied in any context. Of course, in its entire length (which is quite demanding on resources), but also the individual parts of the format can be brought into play in smaller scenarios either directly as teaching methods in classes or for innovation of teaching. For instance, innovation meetings with idea generation and cocreation sessions with student panels for feedback on ideas are very plausible in minor contexts.
StatusUdgivet - 2021
BegivenhedTeaching for Active Learning TAL 2021: Teaching for Active Learning - Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Danmark
Varighed: 11. nov. 202111. nov. 2021


KonferenceTeaching for Active Learning TAL 2021
LokationSyddansk Universitet


  • innovation
  • entrepreneurship
  • Education
  • hackathon
