Extreme E-waste generated from successful Operations Management? More focus on Design for Repair for Extension of Life

Erik Skov Madsen, Dmitry Zhilyaev, Keshav Parajuly

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaperForskningpeer review


This paper identifies how research in the field of Operations Management (OM) has been extremely successful in reducing costs for the manufacturing of electrical and electronic equipment by focusing on design for assembly and manufacturing. The downside is the generation of extreme amounts of e-waste. Based on a literature survey, 2251 kg of e-waste and on case study, this research identifies the need to extend product lifetimes to drive down e-waste. The study concludes that more research is needed on designs for disassembly, repair, refurbishment, and remanufacturing to meet future requirements for reduction of e-waste, and greater support from legislation.
Publikationsdato24. jun. 2018
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 24. jun. 2018
Begivenhed25th Annual EurOMA Conference: To Serve, To Produce and to Servitize in the Era of Networks, Big Data and Analytics - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Ungarn
Varighed: 24. jun. 201826. jun. 2018
Konferencens nummer: 25


Konference25th Annual EurOMA Conference
LokationBudapest University of Technology and Economics


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