Experiences Regarding Use and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence–Supported Follow-Up of Atypical Moles at a Dermatological Outpatient Clinic: Qualitative Study

Elisabeth Rygvoldt Haugsten, Tine Vestergaard, Bettina Trettin

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in numerous medical fields. In dermatology, AI can be used in the form of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) systems when assessing and diagnosing skin lesions suspicious of melanoma, a potentially lethal skin cancer with rising incidence all over the world. In particular, CAD may be a valuable tool in the follow-up of patients with high risk of developing melanoma, such as patients with multiple atypical moles. One such CAD system, ATBM Master (FotoFinder), can execute total body dermoscopy (TBD). This process comprises automatically photographing a patient´s entire body and then neatly displaying moles on a computer screen, grouped according to their clinical relevance. Proprietary FotoFinder algorithms underlie this organized presentation of moles. In addition, ATBM Master’s optional convoluted neural network (CNN)-based Moleanalyzer Pro software can be used to further assess moles and estimate their probability of malignancy.
TidsskriftJMIR Dermatology
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 23. jun. 2023


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