Ep38: Lucy Vincent and Linda Kjær Minke on Food in Prisons

Theo Heaton-Davies (Vært), Lucy Vincent (Medvirkende), Linda Kjær Minke (Medvirkende), Matthew Kessler (Producent)

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As this season on power in the food system comes to a close, we wanted to focus on how food is consumed in institutions - places where people typically have less agency over their own food choices.
In this episode we’re focusing on food in prisons in the United Kingdom and Denmark. We're joined by Lucy Vincent, Chief Executive and Founder of the charity Food Behind Bars in the UK, and Linda Kjær Minke, a criminology professor at the University of Southern Denmark who researches food dynamics in Danish prisons. We discuss how food in prisons is procured, prepared and eaten, and how these two systems of prison food can lead to very different results for the incarcerated, for those working in prisons and – potentially – for society as a whole.
Publikationsdato9. mar. 2023
PublikationsmedierPodcast eller radio
StatusUdgivet - 9. mar. 2023
