Distinct influence of everyday noise on cardiovascular stress

Jeppe H. Christensen*, Klaudia Edinger Andersson (Medlem af forfattergruppering), Tobias Neher (Medlem af forfattergruppering)


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High-intensity environmental noise is known to be detrimental to cardiovascular health. However, individual differences have not been considered, and reported effects cannot be generalized to noise levels reflecting everyday life. Here, we explore the relationship between daily-life sound exposure and heart rate with longitudinal data from ten individuals across three weeks. We analyze the daily short-term covariation between changes in heart rate and sound intensity using multi-level regression and Granger analysis. We find strong evidence that everyday sound exposure is related to heart rate in all participants. Sound intensity is linearly and positively related to heart rate, while the ambient signal-to-noise ratio has a negative association to heart rate in louder environments. Across participants we establish a distinct temporal pattern of Granger causality with stronger influence of the sound environment on heart rate from 6:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs than for the rest of the afternoon/evening. We propose that sound sensitivity measures represent a combination of the amount of effort asserted to
listen under noisy conditions during the active periods of a day and the direct physiological sound-induced stress reaction. A thorough understanding of both factors is necessary to determine the full extent to which everyday noise influence long-term health.
TitelProceedings of Internoise 2022
Antal sider6
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-906913-42-7
StatusUdgivet - 2022
BegivenhedInternoise 2022 - Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, Storbritannien
Varighed: 21. aug. 202224. aug. 2022


KonferenceInternoise 2022
LokationScottish Event Campus


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