Determination of the light, strange and charm quark masses using twisted mass fermions

C. Alexandrou, S. Bacchio, G. Bergner, M. Constantinou, M. Di Carlo, P. Dimopoulos, J. Finkenrath, E. Fiorenza, R. Frezzotti, M. Garofalo, K. Hadjiyiannakou, B. Kostrzewa, G. Koutsou, K. Jansen, V. Lubicz, M. Mangin-Brinet, F. Manigrasso, G. Martinelli, F. Pittler, G. C. RossiF. Sanfilippo, S. Simula, C. Tarantino, A. Todaro, C. Urbach, U. Wenger

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We present results for the light, strange and charm quark masses using Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 twisted mass fermion ensembles at three values of the lattice spacing, including two ensembles simulated with the physical value of the pion mass. The analysis is done both in the meson and baryon sectors. The difference in the mean values found in the two sectors is included as part of the systematic error. The presentation is based on the work of Ref. [1], where more details can be found.

TidsskriftProceedings of Science
StatusUdgivet - 8. jul. 2022
Begivenhed38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE 2021 - Virtual, Online, USA
Varighed: 26. jul. 202130. jul. 2021


Konference38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE 2021
ByVirtual, Online

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work has been partially supported by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 765048 (STIMULATE) as well as by the DFG as a project under the Sino-German CRC110. R.F. acknowledges the University of Rome Tor Vergata for the support granted to the project PLNUGAMMA. F.S. and S.S. are supported by the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) under grant PRIN 20172LNEEZ. F.S. is supported by INFN under GRANT73/CALAT. P.D. and E.F. acknowledge support form the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 813942 (EuroPLEx). P.D. acknowledges support from INFN under the research project INFN-QCDLAT. M.C. acknowledges financial support by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics Early Career Award under Grant No. DE-SC0020405. S.B. and J.F. are supported by the H2020 project PRACE 6-IP (grant agreement No. 82376) and the EuroCC project (grant agreement No. 951740). F.M. and A.T. are supported by the European Joint Doctorate program STIMULATE grant agreement No. 765048. K.H. is supported by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation under contract number POST-DOC/0718/0100. F.P. acknowledges support from project NextQCD, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (EXCELLENCE/0918/0129). M.D.C. is supported in part by UK STFC grant ST/P000630/1.

Funding Information:
We acknowledge PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) for awarding us access to the high-performance computing system Marconi and Marconi100 at CINECA (Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico dell’Italia Nord-orientale) under the grants Pra17-4394, Pra20-5171 and Pra22-5171, and CINECA for providing us CPU time under the specific initiative INFN-LQCD123. We also acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to HAWK, hosted by HLRS, Germany, under the grant with Acid 33037. The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. ( for funding the project pr74yo by providing computing time on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (, the projects ECY00, HCH02 and HBN28 on the GCS supercomputers JUWELS and JUWELS Booster [11] at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and time granted by the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) on the supercomputers JURECA and JURECA Booster, also at JSC. Part of the results were created within the EA program of JUWELS Booster also with the help of the JUWELS Booster Project Team (JSC, Atos, ParTec, NVIDIA). We further acknowledge computing time granted on Piz Daint at Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico (CSCS) via the project with id s702. Part of

Funding Information:
We acknowledge PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) for awarding us access to the high-performance computing system Marconi and Marconi100 at CINECA (Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico dell'Italia Nord-orientale) under the grants Pra17-4394, Pra20-5171 and Pra22-5171, and CINECA for providing us CPU time under the specific initiative INFN-LQCD123. We also acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to HAWK, hosted by HLRS, Germany, under the grant with Acid 33037. The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. ( for funding the project pr74yo by providing computing time on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (, the projects ECY00, HCH02 and HBN28 on the GCS supercomputers JUWELS and JUWELS Booster [11] at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and time granted by the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) on the supercomputers JURECA and JURECA Booster, also at JSC. Part of the results were created within the EA program of JUWELS Booster also with the help of the JUWELS Booster Project Team (JSC, Atos, ParTec, NVIDIA). We further acknowledge computing time granted on Piz Daint at Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico (CSCS) via the project with id s702. Part of the statistics of the cA211.30.32 ensemble used in this work was generated on the cluster at the University of Bonn, access to which the authors gratefully acknowledge. This work has been partially supported by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 765048 (STIMULATE) as well as by the DFG as a project under the Sino-German CRC110. R.F. acknowledges the University of Rome Tor Vergata for the support granted to the project PLNUGAMMA. F.S. and S.S. are supported by the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) under grant PRIN 20172LNEEZ. F.S. is supported by INFN under GRANT73/CALAT. P.D. and E.F. acknowledge support form the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 813942 (EuroPLEx). P.D. acknowledges support from INFN under the research project INFN-QCDLAT. M.C. acknowledges financial support by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics Early Career Award under Grant No. DE-SC0020405. S.B. and J.F. are supported by the H2020 project PRACE 6-IP (grant agreement No. 82376) and the EuroCC project (grant agreement No. 951740). F.M. and A.T. are supported by the European Joint Doctorate program STIMULATE grant agreement No. 765048. K.H. is supported by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation under contract number POST-DOC/0718/0100. F.P. acknowledges support from project NextQCD, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (EXCELLENCE/0918/0129). M.D.C. is supported in part by UK STFC grant ST/P000630/1.

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