Determinants of participation in targeted preventive health checks: the TOF pilot project

Bidragets oversatte titel: Determinanter for deltagelse i målrettede forebyggende helbredscheck: TOF projektet

Lars Bruun Larsen, Jens Søndergaard (Medlem af forfattergruppering), Janus Laust Thomsen (Medlem af forfattergruppering), Trine Thilsing (Medlem af forfattergruppering)

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskning


The evidence on targeted and systematic screening of chronic disease is limited. To effectively target people at high risk of lifestyle-related disease, there is a substantial need to advance and implement evidence-based health strategies and interventions that facilitate the identification and management of people at high risk in the population. Reach is a corner stone in the evaluation of preventive health checks. Even if the intervention is effective in itself, effect can only be expected if the intervention reaches persons who will benefit from the intervention.
To examine the reach of a preventive healthcare intervention that systematically identifies patients at high risk of developing lifestyle-related disease, and provides targeted and coherent preventive services to these individuals.
The study population comprises 8814 persons born between 1957 and 1986 registered with 47 general practitioners (GP) in two municipalities in the Region of Southern Denmark The intervention comprises a two-pronged approach: (1) a joint intervention that applies to the entire sample, regardless of whether the participants are healthy, at risk, or already in treatment for T2DM, COPD, CVD, hypercholesterolemia or hypertension, and (2) a targeted intervention that is offered only to participants who presumably would benefit from either further examinations at the GP (high risk), or community health services, such as smoking cessation, dietary advice, or physical activity (health-risk behavior). Reach is examined at three consecutive steps during the intervention. The first step is the consent. The second step is the joint intervention, and the third step is the targeted intervention in general practice and the municipality respectively. Data from the Danish national registers concerning demographic information, prescriptions, and health care usage of the study population will be obtained from Statistics Denmark and analysed using logistic regression.
Preliminary results show that 41 % consented to the project and 75 % here of participated in the joint intervention. Of the participant at high risk (N=582) 20 % consulted the GP, while 21 % of the participants with health-risk behavior (N=618) consulted the municipality for community health services. Further results from associations between socio-demographic characteristics and health of attenders and non-attenders will be presented at the conference.
Preliminary results show a reach that is comparative to similar studies performed nationally and internationally. Analysis of information from Statistics Denmark on socio-demograpy and health will provide further insight into whether the intervention reaches the people who can expect to benefit from the intervention.
Bidragets oversatte titelDeterminanter for deltagelse i målrettede forebyggende helbredscheck: TOF projektet
Publikationsdato15. jun. 2017
StatusUdgivet - 15. jun. 2017
BegivenhedNordic congres of geneneral Practice - Reykjavik, Island
Varighed: 14. jun. 201716. jun. 2017
Konferencens nummer: 20


KonferenceNordic congres of geneneral Practice
