Demokrati og politiske styreformer

Bidragets oversatte titel: Carl Schmitts Nietzscheianske rødder

Tore Vincent Olsen, Søren Hviid Pedersen, Carsten Bagge Lausten, Per Mouritsen

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaperForskningpeer review


Nietzsche and his philosophy is perhaps the hidden hand behind Carl Schmitts famous understanding of the political. His understanding of the political has two dimensions: a conceptual and an aesthetic. Schmitts understanding of concepts reveals that the contexts in which the concept is used and the conflicts which motivates the use of concepts are pivotal notably in relation to his concept of the political. This understanding of concepts reveals a deeper commitment. This deeper commitment is revealed in Schmitts use of aesthetic categories in his description of the political and why Schmitt so strongly emphasize the importance of politics. In regard to both the conceptual and aesthetic dimensions of Schmitts notion of the political, there are clear parallels to Nietzsche and his philosophy. This paper will explicate the Nietzschian influence on Schmitt. Much has been written on Nietzsche’s influence on conservatism in general and on the German Weimar conservatives, but not in specific relation to Schmitts understanding of the political. This paper will hopefully enlighten this blind spot.
Bidragets oversatte titelCarl Schmitts Nietzscheianske rødder
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2012
Begivenhed44. Årsmøde i Dansk Selskab for Statskundskabs - Hotel Vejlefjord, Stouby, Danmark
Varighed: 25. okt. 201226. okt. 2012


Konference44. Årsmøde i Dansk Selskab for Statskundskabs
LokationHotel Vejlefjord

Bibliografisk note

Paper præsenteret ved Midwest Political Science Association
