Correction: Langeskov-Christensen, M., et al. Aerobic Capacity Is Not Associated with Most Cognitive Domains in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis-A Cross-Sectional Investigation. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2018, 7, 272

Martin Langeskov-Christensen*, Søren Eskildsen, Egon Stenager, Henrik Boye Jensen, Helle Hvilsted Nielsen, Thor Petersen, Lars Grøndahl Hvid, Päivi Hämäläinen, Lisbet Marstrand, Ulrik Dalgas


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The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [1].The authors have identified a statistical error regarding the number of cognitively impaired patients since incorrect standard deviations of the healthy reference population were unfortunately used when calculating the z-scores of the individual cognitive tests; the correct number of patients categorized as cognitively impaired therefore has to be adjusted from 29 (34.5%) to 37 (44.0%). Due to this error, all affected statistical analyses were performed again. As a consequence of this change, the cognitively impaired group (CI group) no longer had a lower aerobic capacity when compared to the cognitively nonimpaired group (CN group). All other results were unchanged. Hence, this finding is now in line with the overall findings of the regression analyses. Moreover, it has no impact on the conclusions of our paper.

TidsskriftJournal of Clinical Medicine
Udgave nummer5
Antal sider3
StatusUdgivet - 26. apr. 2019


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