Comparative analysis of the performance of string and central inverter topology at a large PV utility plant with varying topography

Kasper Paasch, Morten Nymand, Søren Bækhøj Kjær

Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceedingKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


This paper presents new results from a long term measurement campaign involving synchronous high speed recording of performance data from a series of PV-strings on a 2.1 MW PV utility plant with uneven topography. The focus in this study is the performance of a series of string inverters (15 kW, 3 MPPT) and a series of small central inverters (60 kW, 1 MPPT) in the same PV plant under varying irradiation conditions and also including the potential detrimental effect of the horizontally tilt of the solar panels due to area topography variation. It has been shown that the gain from using multiple MPPTs is low, but that the effect of topographical variations can be substantial. The effect of a varying topography has been analyzed and it is shown that even a minor topographical variation has a noticeable effect on energy production. The results are compared to a simulated future PV strings with 1500V string voltage.
TitelProceeding of the 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
Publikationsdatosep. 2015
ISBN (Elektronisk)3-936338-39-6
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2015
BegivenhedEUPVSEC2015: 31st European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition - Hamburg, Tyskland
Varighed: 14. sep. 2015 → …


Periode14/09/2015 → …
