Collaborating with practitioners

C. Anthony Di Benedetto*, Adam Lindgreen, Marianne Storgaard, Ann Højbjerg Clarke


Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceedingKapitel i bogForskningpeer review


We offer a meta-perspective on the collaboration between university academics and business practitioners. While academics often intuitively and implicitly take an inside perspective, namely a university perspective, in discussing collaborative research and the why, how, and what in collaborating with practitioners, we bring to the fore an outside perspective, namely a business perspective, on the same collaboration, which then typically is termed collaborative innovation. Doing this gives us the opportunity to mirror the two perspectives against each other and to discuss the differences, difficulties, and learning opportunities in the relationship between universities and businesses. Ultimately, we offer a discussion of how academics can be inspired to engage better with practitioners.

TitelHow to Fast-Track Your Academic Career : A Guide for Mid-Career Scholars, Second Edition
RedaktørerAdam Lindgren, C. Anthony Di Benedetto
Antal sider21
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
Publikationsdato2. jul. 2024
ISBN (Trykt)9781035323913
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781035323920
StatusUdgivet - 2. jul. 2024

Bibliografisk note

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