Blood Transfusion in Hospitals

Zoe K. McQuilten, Erica M Wood, Mark H. Yazer, Michael F Murphy

Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceedingKapitel i bogForskningpeer review


This chapter discusses the roles and responsibilities of the main participants in transfusion in hospitals, and highlights bedside and administrative practices that have been implemented around the world to improve transfusion safety. Hospital transfusion practice encompasses all of the processes required to ensure that transfusion of blood and blood components is appropriate to patients’ clinical needs, is timely and is delivered safely. Hospital transfusion committees (HTCs) are focal points for overseeing transfusion practice at the institutional level. The multidisciplinary hospital transfusion team supports the HTC and works collaboratively to identify and take action on areas for improvement in hospital practice. Clinical audit and feedback is a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and clinical outcomes, through systematic review of care against explicit criteria or standards, followed by the implementation of change. Many countries have regional or national schemes to monitor transfusion practice and promote practice improvement.
TitelPractical Transfusion Medicine
RedaktørerMichael F. Murphy, David J. Roberts, Mark H. Yazer, Nancy M. Dunbar
Publikationsdatojun. 2022
ISBN (Trykt)9781119665816
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781119665885
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2022


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