Beyond QCD: A Composite Universe

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Strong dynamics constitutes one of the pillars of the standard model of particle interactions, and it accounts for the bulk of the visible matter in the universe. It is therefore a well posed question to ask if the rest of the universe can be described in terms of new highly natural four-dimensional strongly coupled theories. The goal of this brief summary is to provide, for the first time, a coherent overview of how new strong dynamics can be employed to address the relevant challenges in particle physics and cosmology from composite Higgs dynamics to dark matter and inflation.
Publikationsdato22. jan. 2012
StatusUdgivet - 22. jan. 2012
BegivenhedInternational Workshop on QCD Green's functions, confinement and phenomenology (QCD-TNT-II) : Trento, Italy, September 5-9, 2011 -
Varighed: 5. sep. 20119. sep. 2011


KonferenceInternational Workshop on QCD Green's functions, confinement and phenomenology (QCD-TNT-II) : Trento, Italy, September 5-9, 2011


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