Addressing a human rights paradox in the green transition: Guidance for invested mining operations to benefit local communities

Karin Buhmann*


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Current understandings of ‘cleaner production’ include views that companies should act on problems involving human rights, resources, and community involvement. They should contribute to human development and social enhancement through minimization of risks to people and communities, and support their development. While theory-based knowledge on how investors may do this remains limited, some transnational business governance instruments provide guidance. This article discusses how the human rights paradox of the green transition to fight climate change can be turned into opportunities for investors to contribute to local communities hosting transition minerals mining. The analysis is based on guidance from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a major market for transition minerals or energy-related products containing such minerals, and China, the world's largest buyer and manufacturer of transition minerals, The article identifies actions for investors to cascade human rights due diligence and relevant capacity through the investment chain in ways that both limit harmful impacts and contribute beneficially to communities' human rights.

TidsskriftJournal of Cleaner Production
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 20. sep. 2023

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Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author


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