A novel low-cost mobile robot for rapid prototyping of precision farming applications

Kjeld Jensen, Mathias Mikkel Neerup, Leon Bonde Larsen, Jørgen Maagaard

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskning


Experimental research in precision farming is a significant challenge due to the considerable resources required to perform field experiments. Simulating the field environment is a frequently used technique which is useful for functional software tests, but beyond that it is necessary to perform field experiments using field robots which is typically a demanding task in terms of time consumption and logistics. Small indoor robots are sometimes used to emulate the larger field robots which allows for rapid prototyping and intermediate testing in the laboratory before moving to the field experiments.

In this work we present a novel FrobitPro robot platform designed for rapid prototyping of FroboMind field robot applications. FrobitPro has a fundamental design similar to many current wheeled and tracked robots such as the Kongskilde Robotti, and the workflow of migrating from simulation to FrobitPro to field robot is therefore merely a matter of using different low level interface components. The FrobitPro robot is capable of carrying larger sensors such as RTK- GNSS, LIDAR and 3d stereo vision cameras. The platform supports interchangeable wheels for accurate indoor driving as well as outdoor driving in semi-rugged terrain such as grass fields and bare soil.

This paper presents the FrobitPro robot and describes two use cases in current research projects, namely the Grassbots project which focuses on harvesting of grass on lowland areas for biofuel production and the SAFE project focusing on safe perception and behavior in autonomous agricultural machines.
Publikationsdato24. nov. 2014
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 24. nov. 2014
BegivenhedAGROMEK and NJF Joint Seminar on Future Arable Farming and Agricultural Engineering: Future arable farming and agricultural engineering. - Herning Kongres Center, Herning, Danmark
Varighed: 24. nov. 201425. nov. 2014
Konferencens nummer: 477


SeminarAGROMEK and NJF Joint Seminar on Future Arable Farming and Agricultural Engineering
LokationHerning Kongres Center
