Following the financial crisis the European Union has adopted around 30 radical law reforms to safeguard the financial stability. However, the policy of deeper integration challenges the conception of the EU as a multi-level polity. The research project provides an interdisciplinary understanding of this conflict by adding a jurisprudential perspective; in order to address the specific rule of law issues discussed in several prominent cases. The starting point is the principle of conferral, subsidiarity and proportionality in article 5 TEU. These principles are made subject of a detailed legal analysis on a theoretical level, based on Multi-level Governance, as well as a practical level, focusing on the European Banking Union as a case-study. The project thereby qualifies the ongoing debate about better regulation in Europe and, in a societal perspective, contributes to an efficient regulation of the financial markets being a prerequisite for growth and employment in the coming years.
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/08/2016 → 31/07/2018 |