Dansk deltagelse i IEA ES Task 43 “Storage for renewables and flexibility through standardized use of building mass”

Projekter: ProjektForskning



The main goal of IEA ES Task 43 is to is to prepare the storage technology for widespread integration on an international level, harnessing the benefits of this type of storage on local, quarter, and city levels respectively. There are existing implementations and activities in international markets, however, standardized fabrication and construction methods as well as cost predictions and flexibility-related business models are missing and hampering market uptake. The proposed task will generate the necessary answers to those key barriers through the collaboration of many international experts working on the topic and through learning from best practice examples. The generated results will be prepared and made available for the public and most importantly relevant stakeholders. This will form the foundation for a constant increase in thermal-activated building mass deployment in new or refurbished buildings, enabling them to more efficiently consume locally generated renewable energy and to act as flexibilities for thermal and electricity grids.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/07/202330/06/2026



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