ARTEMIs: Analysing Risk To Encourage collective climate change MItigation

Projekter: ProjektForskning



Despite the many factors and actors involved, climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, policies and actions are progressing at all governance levels (transnational, national and local levels). However, more credible and useful knowledge is required on the costs and benefits of mitigation options and interdependencies, synergies and trade-offs between mitigation policies and other policies and actions (IPCC, 2022). Acceptable ways how to risk manage climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies have yet to be developed. New risk management processes addressing growing uncertainty are required. This undertaking not only entails considering the majority of the interdependent interests of diverse stakeholders but also establishing more interaction and cooperation between actors. The lessons learned from addressing these undertakings represent also a formidable opportunity TO ADVANCE RISK ANALYSIS.

These opportunities to advance RISK ANALYSIS can be addressed by setting the following major purpose:

Purpose: To comprehensively analyse the specific concerns, interventions, risks, and the interactions among these, and to encourage collective risk management supporting the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change – Analysing Risk To Encourage collective MItigation and Adaptation.


Objective 1: To identify credible effects originating from climate change in a country’s critical system. Objective 1 will be input for the investigation and development of analysing approaches which is Objective 2.

Objective 2: To develop an analysis approach that comprehensively characterises the specific concerns, interventions, factors, risks, and interactions among these, to those critical systems owned, managed or operated by a number of agencies in a country. The primary focus will be on public and private agencies as major actors to be involved in the research.

Objective 3: To identify those factors and risks that are most relevant to control and mitigate in order to decrease the probability of not meeting the goals, having undesired effects, and constraining cooperation (e.g., disparate power relationships and competing concerns). Factors are additional elements that can condition the achievement of goals but are not necessarily risks.

Objective 4: To identify those interventions that are most relevant to set in place to increase the probability of meeting the goals, having highly desired effects, and enhancing cooperation.


This research will advance risk analysis from the lessons learned from addressing climate change uncertainties. This research will promote collaboration among relevant agents addressing climate change uncertainties. This research will increase the probability of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
StatusIkke startet
Effektiv start/slut dato01/05/202531/12/2028


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