A behavioral investigation of the determinants of strategic learning

  • Di Guida, Sibilla (Modtager)

Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser


The goal of this project is to expand and advance the understanding of the mechanisms driving human strategic learning in an economic context, and to
provide a detailed overview of the determinants, characteristics, and dynamics that characterize it. As of today, how information is collected and elaborated, and how the context affects its understanding, is yet unclear. This project is experiment based and requires different experimental techniques to best test the research hypotheses. Techniques include in-person experiments using an eye-tracker, as well as on-line computer-based experiments with human-human and human-machine interaction. Our results fill a wide gap in the behavioral game theory literature (focusing mainly on choices themselves and not how choices are
developed), provide insights for research on innovation and adaptation to changing environments, and potentially cues for designing brained-inspired systems for AI and robotics.
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