Personlig profil


My research focuses on data analytics and visualization, user involvement, software technologies, social network analysis and mining, and innovation management with a particular focus on application within data-driven health technology (intelligent monitoring and decision support; predictive models for prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis; digital health systems offering novel personalized data collection, treatment plans and interventions).

Previous application areas

  • Security Informatics: Development of advanced information and knowledge management solutions to collect, monitor, structure, interpret, analyze, and visualize information related to criminal networks.
  • Planning: Participation in various research projects related to IT support for agile planning and production planning.


PI and Co-PI on research projects with a total budget of more than 600 million DKK.

Largest project

Grant holder and PI of Patient@home (, which was the national Danish Strategic Platform for Innovation and Research (SPIR) on health and welfare technology. Innovation Fund Denmark and the Growth Forum of the Region of Southern Denmark funded the platform. The platform facilitated the development of 49 new products within health and welfare technology. The total budget was more than DKK 350 million (2012-2018).

Current projects

PI and co-PI of interdisciplinary research projects within data-driven health technology applied in areas such as geriatrics, mental health, compassion, cancer, cardiology, general practice, and multiple sclerosis. The most prominent is the WISDOM Horizon Europe project ( Funding has been received from various private and public (national and international) funding agencies.

Professional Experience

  • 30+ years of research and development experience
  • 20+ years of research management experience

Community service

I am serving on several editorial boards including the Elsevier Journal on Network and Computer Applications, the Springer Journal on Social Network Analysis and Mining, the Springer Journal on Healthcare Informatics Research, and Frontiers in Digital Mental Health. I serve as editor-in-chief of the Springer Journal on Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics.

I have evaluated grant applications for funding agencies in Denmark, European Union, Canada, The Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, The Slovak Republic, and Switzerland.

I am on the advisory board / steering committee for several national and international research projects.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Computer Science, Ph.D., Aalborg Universitet


Dimissionsdato: 31. mar. 1993

Software Engineering, M.Sc., Aalborg Universitet


Dimissionsdato: 30. jun. 1990

Aktuelle eksterne ansættelser og poster

Head of Technical Research, Center for Innovativ Medicinsk Teknologi



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