Personlig profil


Astronomer / astrophysics by education and training. Research in astrobiology, observational astronomy and astrophysics. German citizen, obtained bachelor and master degree from Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Awarded PhD degree from Queens University Belfast/Armagh Observatory, UK. Award of doctor habilitatus (dr. habil.) degree from Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland. Internship at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin/Adlershof. Research interests cover topics in dynamical astronomy, celestial mechanics, planet dynamics and small-body solar system dynamics, dynamics of extrasolar planets, transiting extrasolar planets, photometry,  spectroscopy, spectral energy distribution modelling and modelling of eclipsing binaries, transiting planets as well as detecting and modelling of circumbinary extrasolar planets. Interest in astronomical instrumentation includes meteor detections in the UK, South Korea and Denmark.


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Research awards & honours:

Erasmus EU travel Award, 2002.

PhD Research Fellowship Award, International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS), The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research,  2007, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany.

STFC PhD Research Fellowship Award, Armagh Observatory, Queens University Belfast, 2007, United Kingdom.

Best Group Achievement Award, KASI, South Korea, 2012.

Best Post-doctoral Researcher Award, KASI, South Korea, 2012.

KRCF Young Scientist Fellowship Award, KASI, South Korea, 2012.

Best Post-doctoral Researcher Award, KASI, South Korea, 2014.

National Science Competition Award, Research & Education, South Korea, Daejeon Science Highschool/KASI, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021.

Naming of Solar System minor body 1986 TH: '10723 Tobiashinse'. 


Research highlights:

Hinse, T. C. et al., ,,Dynamics and stability of telluric planets within the habitable zone of extrasolar planetary systems. Numerical simulations of test particles within the HD 4208 and HD 70642 systems'', 2008, A&A, 488, 1133.

Southworth, J. & Hinse, T. C. et al., ,,High-precision photometry by telescope defocusing - I. The transiting planetary system WASP-5'', 2009, MNRAS, 396, 1023.

Hinse, T. C., et al., ,,New light-travel time models and orbital stability study of the proposed planetary system
HU Aquarii'', 2012, MNRAS, 420, 3609.

Horner, J., Hinse, T. C., Wittenmyer, R. A., Marshall, J. P., Tinney, C. G., ,,A dynamical analysis of the proposed circumbinary HW Virginis planetary system'', 2012, MNRAS, 427, 2812.

Harpsøe, K. B. W. , Hardis, S., & Hinse, T. C., ,,The transiting system GJ1214: high-precision defocused transit observations and a search for evidence of transit timing variation'', 2013, A&A, 549, 10.

Hinse, T. C. et al., ,,Revisiting the proposed circumbinary multiplanet system NSVS 14256825'', 2014, MNRAS, 438, 307.

Hinse, T. C. et al., ,,Predicting a Third Planet in the Kepler-47 Circumbinary System'', 2015, ApJ, 799, 88.

Hinse, Tobias C. ; Kim, Woo-Kyum ; Ahn, Sang-Hyeon ; Park, Jun-Hyeong ; Lee, Young-Woo ; Jeong, Woo-Jung ; Woo, Sang-Min, ,,Proto-Type Installation of a Double-Station System for the Optical-Video-Detection and Orbital Characterisation of a Meteor/Fireball in South Korea'', 2017, PKAS, 32, 381.

(an honour to work with the above scholars and bright young scientists!)

Bachelet, E., Hinse, T. C. & Street, R., ,,Measuring the Microlensing Parallax from Various Space Observatories'', 2018, AJ, 155, 191.

Wood, J. & Hinse, T. C., ,,The Transformation of Centaurs into Jupiter-family Comets'', 2022, ApJ, 929, 157.

Hinse, T. C., Dorch, B. F., Occhionero, L. V. T. and Holck, J. P. ,,How Tycho Brahe’s recordings in 1572 support SN 1572 as a type I(a) supernova'', 2023, Front. Astron. Space Sci., vol. 10. Hinse et al. 'Tycho Brahe 2023 Paper'

Hinse, T. C. et al., ,,Absolute dimensions of solar-type eclipsing binaries. NY Hya: a test for magnetic stellar evolution models'', 2024, A&A, accepted.


Registered referee / community contributions:

  • Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)
  • Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (CMDA)
  • Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
  • Publication of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA)
  • Astronomical Journal (AJ)
  • Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)
  • Advances in Space Research Journal (ASR)
  • Icarus


Past academic and research activities:

(For reasons of transparency)

Past academic and research activities (2002-2020)


  • Astrofysik
  • Spektroskopi
  • Stjerner
  • Planeter
  • Månen og måner


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