Personlig profil


Research interests fall into four areas:

• organisation theory and management
• entrepreneurship and firm growth
• entrepreneurship policy 
• entrepreneurship education




2010- Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management, and Director of IDEA Entrepreneurship Centre.
2005-2009: Managing Director of the International Danish Entrepreneurship Academy and professor at the University of Southern Denmark. (The International Danish Entrepreneurship Academy was a nation-wide network of universities and colleges, aiming to strengthen entrepreneurship teaching and training at higher educational institutions as well as enhancement of student based entrepreneurial activities (
2000-2005: Professor and Director of the Department of Organisation and Management, University of Southern Denmark
1997-2000: Professor of Organisation Theory and Management, University of Southern Denmark
1996-1997: Director of the Institute of Social and Industrial Development and Co-director of the Danish Institute of Migration and Ethnic Studies, University Centre of South Jutland
1989-1996: Director of the Institute of Social and Industrial Development, University Centre of South Jutland

Education/academic qualifications:
1996: Dr. Merc. (Post-Doctoral Habilitation in Business Economics), Copenhagen Business School
1983: Ph.D. (Sociology), University of Copenhagen
1976: Mag. Scient. Soc. (M. Sc./Sociology), University of Copenhagen

Research areas:
• Organisation theory and management
• Economic sociology, immigrant business and globalisation
• Entrepreneurship and firm growth
• Entrepreneurship teaching and training

Publications (selected):
Klyver, K., T. Bager (2012): Entrepreneurship policy as institutionalized and powerful myths. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 4(4), pp. 409-426
Nielsen, S.L., K. Klyver, M.R. Evald, T. Bager (2012): Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice, paradoxes in play. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 1-236.Bager, T. (2011): Entrepreneurship education and new venture creation: A comprehensive approach. In: Handbook of Research on New Venture Creation, ed. by K. Hindle and K. Klyver. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 299-315.
Bager, T. (2011): The camp model for entrepreneurship teaching. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7: 279-296.
Bager, T., H. Ottósson & T. Schott (2010): Intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs and spin off entrepreneurs: Similarities and differences. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 10(3): 339-358.
Ullersted, M., T. Bager, U. Blom, C. Byrge & T. Borg Larsen (red.)(2010): Camp guide til unikke ideer. Kolding: IDEA Entrepreneurship Centre.
Andersen, L, T. Bager & L. Hulgaard (red.) (2010): Socialt entreprenørskab. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
Bager, T. & S. Løwe Nielsen (red.) (2009): Entreprenørskab og kompetencer. Copenhagen: Børsens Forlag.
Evald, M.R. & T. Bager (2008): Managing venture team relationships in corporate incubators: A case study of network dynamics and political rivalry in a high-tech incubator. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, vol. 4: 349-364. Bager, T. & G. Heldbjerg (2004): Økonomisk sociologi, institutionalisme og historisk erhvervsanalyse. I: Bo Kaspersen, L. & F. Mikkelsen: Økonomisk sociologi – mødet mellem historien og samfundsvidenskaberne (311–354). Forlaget Sociologi.
Bager, T. (2003): Understanding international entrepreneurship through ethnic business: The case of Chinese business networking across the globe. In: New Movements in entrepreneurship, ed. by C. Steyaert & D. Hjort et al. (221-238). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Bager, T., S. Rezaei (2003): Immigrant businesses in Denmark: Captured in marginal business fields? In: A. Forsander & M. Similä (eds.): Cultural diversity and integration in the Nordic welfare states (149-178). Helsingfors University.
Bager, T. (1998): Organisationsdynamik i sammenhængende erhvervssystemer. Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi, 62 (2): 109-120.
Bager, T., J. Proost (1997): Voluntary regulation and farmers' environmental behaviour in Denmark and the Netherlands. Sociologia Ruralis, 37 (1): 79-96.
Bager, T. (1997): Institutional and organizational change in the European food sector: A meso-level perspective. In: Strategies and structures in the agro-food industries, 3-19 / J. Nilsson, G. van Dijk (eds.). Assen: Van Gorcum.
Bager, T. (1996): Organisations in sectors. Explaining the dissemination of populations of formal organisation in economic sectors: Bridging rational choice and institutional approaches (dissertation, part II). Esbjerg: Sydjysk Universitetsforlag.
Bager, T. (1994): Isomorphic processes and the transformation of cooperatives. Annals of Public and Cooperative Dynamics, 65 (1): 35-57. Bager, T. (1992): Andelsorganisering: en analyse af danske andelsorganisa-tioners udviklingsprocesser (dissertation, part I). Esbjerg: Sydjysk Universitetsforlag.


Member of the Scientific Committee of ESU (European University Network on Entrepreneurship)

Member of the Danish Global Entrepreneurship Monitor team

Advisory Board member of the PACE program at Aarhus University (Promoting a Culture of Entrepreneurship)

Referee in entrepreneurship journals


  • Økonomi og erhvervsliv
  • Samfund, politik og jura


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