Personlig profil


Tage Koed Madsen C.V.
Business address: University of Southern Denmark (formerly Odense University), Department of Marketing & Management, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark. Tel.: +45 65 50 10 00. Fax.: +45 66 15 51 29.
E-mail: [email protected]

1997: dr.merc. (postdoctoral habilitation in marketing and international business)
1987: lic.oecon. (Ph.D.)
1983: Cand.merc. (M.Sc. in Marketing)
1981: HDiO (Diploma in Organization Theory)
1976: HA (Bachelor of Business Administration)

Current positions.
Professor Emeritus, University of Southern Denmark
Deputy chairman of the board: Den Fynske Bladfond

Previous positions.
1983- : University of Southern Denmark (formerly Odense University) - since 1992 as Professor
2002-2017 : Professor II, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
2005-2010: Head of Department, Department of Marketing & Management
2003-2006: Vice chairman of The Danish Academy for Business Research (DEA)
2002: Visiting scholar at Scancor, Stanford University, USA
1995-2002: Member of The Marketing Research Council (Afsætningsøkonomisk Forskningsråd)
1998-2001: Dean, The Social Sciences Faculty, Odense University/University of Southern Denmark
1998: Visiting Professor at University of Western Sydney Nepean, Sydney, Australia
1991-1998: Vice Director of MAPP (a research programme at the Aarhus Business School, Denmark)
1987-1995: Head of Department, Department of Marketing
1989-1992: Associate Dean, The Social Sciences Faculty, Odense University
1989-1991: Chairman of the International Committee at the Social Sciences Faculty
1984-1985: Visiting Scholar at University of Washington, Seattle, USA
1978-1982: Marketing Manager (H.J. Hansen, Ltd.,Odense)
1976-1978: Product Manager (Blumøller Ltd., Odense)

2018:Award for Interactive and IT-based Teaching, FAculty of Social Sciences and Business, SDU

2003: Ridder af Dannebrogsordenen (Decorated Knight Order of Dannebrog) 

1998: Dansk Erhvervslivs Pris for Afsætningsøkonomisk Forskning (Research Honour from the Danish Business Community)
1991: Teacher of the Year Award at Odense University (first year this award was given)
1990: Statoils Forskningspris (Statoil's Research Award)
1989: Fyns Stiftstidendes Forskerpris (Fyns Stiftstidende's Research Award)

Research Grants.
2003-2006: Coordinator of the project “Emergence and Growth of Firms in Information Intensive and International Environments”, sponsored by The Danish Social Sciences Research Council.
1998-2001: Coordinator of the project "Sustainability and International Competitiveness in Danish Manufacturing Companies", associated with CeSaM, sponsored by the Danish Strategic Environmental Research Program, II.
1997-2000: Coordinator of the project "Born Global Firms in Denmark", sponsored by The Danish Social Sciences Research Council.
1995-1997: Participant in the project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Denmark", sponsored by The Danish Social Sciences Research Council.
1989-1990: Participant in the project "Economic Effects on the Region of Funen of the StoereBaelt Bridge", sponsored by Fyns Amt, Odense Kommune, and others.
1988-1989: Coordinator of the project "Danish Exports Re-visited", sponsored by Danmarks Sparekasseforening.


Tage Koed Madsen is Professor of Marketing. His research areas comprise export performance studies, internationalization processes, and International New Ventures/Born Globals. Since 1993 he has been an active member of an international group of researchers with similar focus (Consortium of International Marketing Research). Tage Koed Madsen has been responsible for numerous research projects, often involving grants from the Danish Social Sciences Research Council or other external partners. He has conducted several large scale empirical studies in addition to his theoretical contributions. His research has published in numerous books as well as articles in journals such as International Business Review, International Marketing Review, Journal of International Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Advances in International Marketing, and Scandinavian Journal of Management.



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