Personlig profil


CV: Søren Wind Eskildsen. Email: [email protected]

Present occupation:
Postdoctoral research fellow, Institute of Business Communication and Information Science, University of Southern Denmark

Research interests: Second language learning, second language interaction, usage-based linguistics, conversation analysis.

Academic degrees

2008 PhD in Linguistics (English as a Second Language), University of Southern Denmark

2004 Master of Arts, English and Danish as a Second Language, University of Copenhagen.

Selected publications

Eskildsen, S. W. 2012. L2 negation constructions at work. To appear in Language Learning

Eskildsen, S. W. 2011. Type and token frequency. To appear in P. Robinson (Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia
of Second Language Acquisition. New York: Routledge.

Eskildsen, S. W. 2011. The L2 Inventory in Action – Conversation Analysis and Usage-Based Linguistics in
Second Language Acquisition. In. G. Pallotti & J. Wagner (eds.) L2 Learning as Social
Practice: Conversation-analytic Perspectives. (PP. 327-364) Honolulu: National Foreign
Language Resource Center.

Eskildsen, S. W. 2009. Constructing another Language – Usage-Based Linguistics in Second Language
Acquisition. Applied Linguistics. 30 (3): 335-357.

Eskildsen, S. W. & T. Cadierno. 2007. Are Recurring Multi-Word Expressions Really Syntactic Freezes?
Second Language Acquisition from the Perspective of Usage-Based Linguistics in Nenonen,
M, S. Niemi & J. Niemi (eds.) Collocations and Idioms 1: Papers from the First Nordic
Conference on Syntactic Freezes, Joensuu, May 19-20, 2007. Studies in Languages, University
of Joensuu, Vol 41. Joensuu: Joensuu University Press

Poulsen, L. & Eskildsen, S. W. (red.). 2003. ’Referat fra Uddannelses- og Ungdomsforvaltningen & Familie-
og Arbejdsmarkedsforvaltningens konference Karrierebarrierer, job, uddannelse og dansk,
der blev afholdt mandag den 3. februar 2003. Københavns kommune, Uddannelses- og
Ungdomsforvaltningen & Familie- og Arbejdsmarkedsforvaltningen, 2003. [Conference
Summary from the Conference Career-Barriers, Job, Education, and Danish, held by
Education and Youth Administration and Family and Work Market Administration,
Copenhagen City Council, Monday February 3rd 2003.] Københavns kommune, Uddannelses-
og Ungdomsforvaltningen & Familie- og Arbejdsmarkedsforvaltningen

Accepted conference papers, 2011

Eskildsen, S. W.: Tracing stability and productivity in L2 learning: a usage-based classroom study. Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, March 26-29, 2011.

Eskildsen, S. W. & G. Theodórsdóttir: Beyond opportunities for learning: Ways to achieve second language learning in interaction inside and outside the classroom. 10th Conference of the International Institute of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, July 10-14, 2011.

Li, P. & S. W. Eskildsen: Tracing L2 learners’ motion constructions over time: A usage-based
classroom investigation. 3rd Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, June
14-16, 2011.

Theodórsdóttir , G. & Eskildsen, S. W.: Constructing another language on the fly: doing language learning
and expanding the L2 repertoire. 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), August 23.28, 2011.

Selected presentations

October 8, 2010.
Conference: 4th International conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association.
Title of paper: Tracing the usage-based roots of L2 constructions: a longitudinal classroom study

July 4, 2010.
Conference: ICCA
Title of paper: L2 Learning as a social accomplishment in changing environments. (co-authored paper, presented by first author Gudrun Theodorsdottir)

June 3, 2010.
PhD seminar, GradEast (invited).
Title of paper: Formulaic and not-so-formulaic language in second language learning.

October 6, 2009.
Conference: Integrationsministeriets lærerkonference: Talesprog og mundtlighed i danskuddannelserne [The Annual Teachers' Conference of the Ministry of Integration: Spoken language and oral proficiency in Danish as a second language]
Title of paper: Udvikling af sproglige rutiner og kreativitet i talesproget – i og udenfor klasseværelset: Eksempler fra dansk og engelsk som andetsprog. [The development of linguistic routines and creativity in spoken language in the language classroom and beyond: examples from Danish and English as a second language]

August 17, 2007.
Conference: Applied Cognition, Odense
Title of paper: Formulas, patterns, and constructions – applying a usage-based path of learning to longitudinal SLA research (co-presented with Teresa Cadierno)

April 23, 2007.
Conference: American Associating for Applied Linguistics.
Title of paper: What counts as evidence for learning in longitudinal studies? (co-presented with Johannes Wagner)

October 6, 2006.
Conference: 2nd International conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association
Title of paper: Constructing another language – (beyond) aspects of frequency in second language acquisition.

Recent work activities

At present: Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Southern Denmark.

February 2008 – October 2009: Research assistant and part-time external lecturer in academic
writing, British phonetics, Danish as a second language, second language acquisition, bilingualism, Danish oral and written language skills, University of Southern Denmark and University of Århus.

February 2005 – February 2008: PhD student, Institute of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark.

August – December 2004: Lecturer in English, Odense Teachers' Training College.

Other selected activities

Co-organizer of symposium and PhD summer school The Long Haul: Analyzing usage-based longitudinal
language learning data. To be held at the University of Southern Denmark, June 27 – July 1, 2011.

Co-organizer of symposium What's on your mind? – Thinking for Speaking in Second Language
Acquisition. University of Southern Denmark, November 1-2, 2010.

Co-organizer of PhD-seminar Analyzing Leaner Language Corpora. University of Southern Denmark,
Kolding, June 17-19, 2010.

Co-organizer of symposia Cognition applied: usage-based linguistics and language learning
(LaCoRG) and Vocabulary in language teaching. University of Southern Denmark Odense, August
16-17, 2007

Co-organizer of conference Uddannelses- og Ungdomsforvaltningen & Familie- og
Arbejdsmarkedsforvaltningens konference Karrierebarrierer, job, uddannelse og dansk [Career-
Barriers, Job, Education, and Danish], conference held by the Education and Youth Administration
and Family and Work Market Administration, Copenhagen City Council.


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