Sofie Rose

Postdoc Fellow, Ph.d. i international politik, Cand.soc.i International Sikkerhed og Folkeret

Personlig profil



Currently my research is focused on perceptions of mobilisation and draft evasion in Ukraine. I conduct a DFF-funded reserach project on the politics of masculinity and stigmatisation of fighting-age Ukrainian men who flee the war, and/or avoid military mobilisation. Interviewing Ukrainian men who flee the war or avoid mobilisation within the country, I unravel complex experinces of guilt, fear and freedom of choice. Additionally, the project also investigates Ukrainian societal perceptions of men who evade mobilization, unpacking contested narratives of stigmatisation, duty, and male war roles, as well as the state's treatment and narrative on men who avoid military registration and mobilisation.

The project offers unique insights into current understandings of draft evasion and evolving gender norms in Ukraine, scrutinising how preexisting gendered power structures are simultaneously being reproduced and challenged by the ongoing war. See more at my project website:

My key research areas includes: 

  • Gender and armed conflict
  • Mobilisation and military service
  • Masculinity and war
  • Protection of civilians in war
  • Stigma research 
  • Feminist peace research and narrative analysis
  • War crimes
  • Gender-based violence and discrimination in the context of war


I am happy to supervise students who would like to write projects about gender and conflict, conflict-related sexual violence, atrocity crimes and genocide, the responsibility to protect (R2P), the laws of armed conflict, protection of civilians, ethics of war and peace, human rights issues related to conflict and human rights law and/or who wants to use feminist IR theory. Other proposals are also welcomed.


Currently researching: "The Politics of Masculinity and Stigmatization of Ukrainian Men Fleeing the War." Funded by DFF.  

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

International Security and Law, Master of Social Science, MA thesis: "Reassesing the Crime of Genocide: An analysis of whether the genocide-label matters for prevention, justice and reconciliation", Syddansk Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 27. jun. 2017

History and Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts, BA thesis: The Discursive Change in the UN's Handling of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones", Aarhus Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 1. jun. 2015

Eksterne ansættelser

Forkvinde, The Danish Foreign Policy Society Aarhus



  • Sikkerhed og konflikt
  • Kønsforskning
  • Seksuel vold i konflikt
  • Beskyttelse af civile i krig
  • Mobilisering
  • Feministisk Fredsforskning
  • Kritiske Maskulinitets Studier
  • Narrative Metode
  • Ukraine
  • Militær tjeneste
  • EU og Europa
  • Menneskerettigheder
  • Folkeret
  • Folkedrab
  • Krigsforbrydelser
  • Kønsforbrydelser
  • International strafferet
  • Retsfilosofi
  • Internationale organisationer
  • FN
  • Retfærdig krig
  • ikke-vold
  • Krigsetik
  • Fredsfilosofi


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  • Best research article

    Rose, S. (Modtager) & Olesen, S. M. (Modtager), feb. 2016

    Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser