Personlig profil


My research centers on youth health behaviors, particularly substance use, mental health, and social inequality in health. I specialize in quantitative methods to analyze health behavior patterns and evaluate complex interventions in diverse educational settings. Through analysis of large datasets, including register-based and survey data, intervention studies, and systematic reviews, I explore how social determinants influence health outcomes and access to healthcare. I aim to contribute to developing evidence-based strategies that can improve youth health and well-being, with a particular focus on reducing social inequality in health and addressing the challenges that young people may face.


I am currently a part of several research projects at the National Institute of Public Health. These include examining patterns and clusters of health-risk behaviors among young people in primary education as well as studying the relationship between smoke-free school policy implementation and youth tobacco and nicotine use in vocational and preparatory schools. Moreover, I am currently contributing to a thematic report examining early indicators of health and well-being in children of parents with psychiatric diagnoses using register-based data and health visitor records.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Folkesundhedsvidenskab, cand.scient.san.publ, Københavns Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 9. mar. 2020

Aktuelle eksterne ansættelser og poster

Akademisk medarbejder, Københavns Universitet

maj 2018apr. 2020


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