Personlig profil


• Ph.D. in Business Administration (Dr. oec.), University of St.Gallen

Academic employments
• Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, London Business School
• Research Associate, University of St.Gallen

Selected Publications 
Dobrajska,M., Billinger, S., Karim, S. 2015. Delegation within hierarchies: How information processing and knowledge characteristics influence the allocation of formal and real decision authority. Forthcoming in Organization Science.

Rosenbaum, S.M., Billinger, S., & Stieglitz, N. 2014. Let's be honest: A review of experimental evidence of honesty and truth-telling. Journal of Economic Psychology 45, pp. 181-196.

Billinger, S.; Stieglitz, N.; Schumacher, T. 2014. Search on a rugged landscape: An experimental study. Organization Science 25(1), pp. 93-108.

Jacobides, M.G.; Billinger, S. 2006 Designing the boundaries of the firm: From “make, buy or ally” to the dynamic benefits of vertical architecture. Organization Science 17(2), pp.249-261.



My research concerns organizational micro-mechanisms and focuses on the causes and consequences of delegation and authority-granting across multiple levels of hierarchy. Using different methodological approaches, I study search and problem-solving and how decision-makers can strategically foster cooperation and competition within organizations.


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